
6.8.15 [some of] my personal goals

complete my degree

find a killer [in a good way] job

pay off my student loan debt

start making the things I want to make

start a business that sells said things that I want to make

These are my academic- and career-related goals, but I definitely have other goals for other areas of my life.

The problem is, I get all caught up and excited thinking about goals four and five, when I really need to be focusing on goal one.

I have to remind myself that everything will still be there when I am ready and able to return to it.

There will a job out there.

I have no doubt that my debt will still be there.

And the materials for the things I want to make probably aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

The other issue I keep running into is my age. I fixate on the fact that I will be gasp a whole 28 years old before my true career starts.

I just...I hate the idea of my "adult" life not really beginning until I'm almost in my thirties. The idea both terrifies and disgusts me.

The funny thing is, I don't have that same feeling when it comes to other people. I think it's awesome when I see a 50some-year-old person in my circuits class. They're finally doing what they want to do, damn their age.

Life doesn't end at 30.

I must remember this, believe this, and accept this.

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