
the REAL first post

So I realized today that, oh god, my life is remarkably boring right now.

So obviously writing about it online is going to liven it up, yeah?

Or not.

But I have many goals and aspirations, which I tend to veer from very easily when I get into these new gad-abouts and get a new thrill.

They're usually short-lived, so when I make rash, life-altering decisions when I'm in this state, problems tend to arise.

It happens way too often so I have to be constantly and excessively adamant about checking myself before I, you know, wreck my life.

Maybe writing everything down and putting it out there for probably no one the world to read would help me on my quest to....

accomplish my goals?
move forward in life? (I've felt very stuck the last 8 years)
be happier? (I'm not unhappy currently, just...lackluster bordering on indifferent)

So I've decided that this is where I'm going to do it.

Instead of the internet being the most time-sucking, procrastination-enabling, wonderfully entertaining thing ever, I've decided to make the internet work for me.

I'm using it as a tool to get to where I want to be, and hoping that seeing all my thoughts written down typed out will be a constant reminder to take that one little step each day and to not constantly focus on the bigger picture.

Although I believe it's very important to have some kind of bigger picture, some kind of plan or predetermined goal, you can't only stare at that, because it'll seem so huge, so monumental, that you'll go cross-eyed and be paralyzed and end up quitting before you even start.

Or maybe you will start, but after the first few steps are taken and you're still very far from the finished product, you'll feel like you made no headway when, in actuality, you made the most important headway -> the beginning.

So then you quit.

I'm not falling for that this time.

This time, I'm going all the way.

And I'm going to make sure that I enjoy the process.

There will be no "suffering through", because reaching my goals will not satisfy me if the whole way there is just one big grind.

Nope, I'm going to make sure that it's a slide.

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