
6.8.15 goals and aspirations

"Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning."
-Gloria Steinem-

Yes, I'm that person who starts her posts with a quote.

But I promise I'll try to keep them under two sentences.

And they [most likely] will be pertinent to the topic at hand...

...which brings me to the current topic: goals and aspirations.

What can goals really be? I believe that they can be anything.

Is there something you want to be/have/make/do/experience/achieve/etc?

Well, there you go. You have found yourself a goal to strive towards.

Although, I think I prefer the word aspiration to the word goal because aspiration just seems so much more...seraphic.

More enchanting.

Whereas goal sounds like something that involves a lot of grunt work and other not-so-fun stuff, and the end product looks less like a Notre Dame and more like a Centennial Office Building.

I mean, we all know deep down that any goal, any aspiration worth achieving is going to take time, effort, blood, sweat, and tears. It has to be difficult, because if it was easy, everybody would do it.

So although you may balk at the idea of taking on something seemingly-Herculean, if you really want it, don't pass on it.

Break it up into little mini goals. And then break those up into steps. And then, break those steps up into itty bitty baby steps.

For example, completing one homework problem correctly - at this moment in time - is quite a bit more doable than, say, graduating. I mean, the latter is just flat out impossible to achieve in this moment. But you can complete one homework problem in this moment, so do that.

Because if you continue to do that, over and over and over, it will eventually bring you to the moment where obtaining your diploma is what is happening.

Keep your eye on the prize, sure. Of course that is important.

But you absolutely have to direct the majority of your focus at the itty bitty baby steps. They're not always fun, and they are hardly ever glamorous.

But they also aren't overwhelming, nor are they so ambitious that you cannot finish.

Plus, it is very...refreshing, to be able to celebrate the mini accomplishments on your way to the big one.

And that is necessary to keep you from losing steam along the way.

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