
6.9.15 other goals

"The best part of health is a fine dispostion."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson-

I talked about my academic and career goals in this post, but I have different goals occupying other areas of my life.

Two of these areas include:

health & fitness

I'm focusing on these two right now because they are two that I can do right now. I don't have to wait for something else to be completed before working on these.

My diet isn't horrendous [I'm getting pretty good at eating my fruits and veggies at every meal as well as a snack or two], but I definitely eat way too much sugar and drink too much pop.

I don't know if I'll ever be able to give up pop completely, but I'd like to get to where I'm only drinking one glass at lunch and one at dinner and that's it.

One reason I'm not obsessing over the pop thing is because I mostly drink diet Coke, and occasionally drink regular Coke, but I don't really drink anything else besides that except water. Sometimes I'll get a little wild and do apple juice, but it doesn't happen very often.

With sugar...it's an addiction. I have this primal urge to eat dessert after every meal [excluding breakfast]. It's like my meal doesn't feel complete, like I can't stop eating, until I have my dessert.

I desperately need to kick this habit.

In terms of fitness...I really enjoy working out. Unfortunately, I lose the motivation to do so sometimes. I love yoga and swimming, and organized sports [which I participated in a lot in high school, and just recently took a sand volleyball class--LOVED IT], and I want to like to run, but my god, I suck at it. 

One of my big goals is to run a 5K, then a 10K, and finally a half marathon. I don't know if I would or ever could get past 13.1 miles, and that's okay. I just want to accomplish something that takes a lot of hard work and effort, time and dedication. That is way more satisfying than accomplishing something that most people can do with their eyes closed

[Although if that's where you are at in your life, due to illness or mental health issues, etc, you should 100% be proud of doing those things. I know. I've been there.]

I also want to lose weight. I feel like everybody says that. I want to lose weight for all those reasons that you're not supposed to want lose weight for, like be skinnier, wear the clothes that I really want to wear and not the ones I have to wear now, maaayyybe eventually find someone to date, etc.

But those aren't the only reasons, and that's what counts. My weight makes me uncomfortable, physically and psychologically. I know I could have more energy. I know I could sleep better [I get the occasional sleep apnea, but don't have a machine thing]. I know that I would just feel better, healthier, in general.

Working out is a lot easier for me to get started on than eating a healthier diet. I know it'll be a struggle. I don't understand why it's so difficult for some people to just stop eating or just not eat that thing that they don't even really want, let alone need, whereas with other people it just comes naturally to them. They make it look so easy, thoughtless. I mean, maybe they just hide the internal struggle really well, but I doubt it.

I also know that when I start my job, I will be out of my apartment a lot more. A lot of the overeating I do is because of boredom. Well, guess who tends to eat less when she's busy with a job and in the groove of working out? This girl. So I'm looking forward to that. Especially because my job is fairly physical, lots of walking around and moving boxes and putting stuff away, I feel much better.

I mean, working out for an hour or two each day is really great, but if you're spending the other 22 hours either sitting down or sleeping...how much is that really doing for you? I know a lot of people out there have jobs that involve lots of desk/cubicle time, because that's just the nature of it, and that's fine. But having an active job is great, because if I need to take a day off from working out, well I still wasn't just schlumping around all day. I don't feel guilty.

I was going to write about hobbies, but this post is already pretty long, so I think I'll save it for the next one.


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