
7.23.15 sugar tantrums

"A river cuts through water
not because of its power
but because of its persistence."
-Jim Watkins-

I've always had a massive sweet tooth, but lately [okay, maybe not JUST lately] it's gotten completely out of control.

I'm probably eating... 500-1000 calories per day worth of dessert food.

That is not okay.
Reeeaaallllly not okay.

So I need to break this habit. Unfortunately, I don't think it will work to try and ween myself off the sugar. 

Mostly why I don't think it will work is because I've tried it countless times and oh, hey, it still hasn't worked.

So I'm quitting cold turkey.

I read this book last year called It Starts With Food, and yes, it's a paleo diet book, and no, I do not eat paleo. But it had some really good ideas and observations.

One such observation that I was previously not aware of

(no I was probably completely aware of it, just in 100% denial)

is that when I get a sugar craving, my mind is basically throwing a temper tantrum over wanting sugar and not getting it.

So when I give in to the tantrum and eat a delicious cookie or whatever, my mind stops stomping its feet like a toddler in the middle of the candy aisle at the grocery store.

However, since I gave in, next time I get a sugar craving, the sugar tantrum is going to be even louder and harder to control. So I give in again, and the sick cycle continues.

Which is why I need to cut myself off completely. Even if I say to myself, 'I will just have two desserts per week', well, that quickly turns into, like, two desserts per day.

But if I have no wiggle room, zero is zero is zero, then...I don't know. It might help?

We'll see.

I went all of Wednesday without dessert, and already today I broke down and ate half a cookie in the morning. [I get free cookies at my work, they are very giant cookies and the most amazing cookies I have ever tasted. So it's a problem.] But that 1/2 cookie shenanigan took place even before lunch time [kind of gross, I know], and the rest of the day I have not had anything else like that. 

Tomorrow will be sugar free for me! [fingers crossed]

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