
7.26.15 daily bathing [and motivation]

"People often say that motivation doesn't last.
Well, neither does bathing.
That's why we recommend it daily."
-Zig Ziglar-

This is really not going well so far.
I don't understand why it's so difficult?
Does someone have the magic answer??

I will say though, I have been much more aware of, not what I'm eating, but the fact that I'm eating something even though I know I shouldn't be. I'm not trying to hide it from myself anymore. I'm staring the reality straight in the face.
And then continuing to eat the crap anyways.

But it will get better, I know it will.
I can't give up.
That would just be a stupid decision.

And now I need to work on not throwing a whole day away just because I make one bad food choice. One cookie a day is not making me fat.
It's all the shit I eat after the cookie, when I've thought, 'Might as well screw it, I've already had one cookie so now this day is ruined, so I'll just eat all the cookies'.
That is what is making me fat.
And that is what I need to stop doing.

[Also] I don't know if I've already used that quote, and I don't care if I have. It's one of my favorites, and you can really apply it to just about any situation you find yourself in.

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